Doll Parts: An Exercise in Knitting Procrastination

Hello, crafty and sundry!


Almost there…

I have been knitting up a storm here in Ye Olde England, hee hee. I’ve been setting myself row challenges to encourage myself to speed through my cardigan, and I can report that I am so close to finishing it! All that remains is the last arm… which means I’m totally starting another project for a bit, ha ha.

So close...

So close…

Mind you, the last arm shouldn’t be too hard or take me too long to do. All of the hard work was done on the first sleeve; I’ve got my usual extensive notes on where I’m making my increases and decreases. It’s pretty straight forward all told, but eh… I’m probably just trying to put off the pain in the ass known as sewing up, ha ha. That always goes faster than I think it’s going to take. Really, I just wanted to have a secondary project to fiddle with.

IMG_3466And what am I doing as my secondary project? I’m starting on a little outfit for the doll a friend bought Littlerbit for her first birthday. I’ve already completed an undergarment for the doll, so it’s been a matter of completing a not pink outergarment (we’re big into gender neutral parenting, so red is a great colour choice 😀). I had a hard time finding outfits that looked to be in the right sort of size for this doll, and have had to resort to patterns for preemie babies. This is a simple 2×2 rib worked in the round, which is a nice change from the straight stockinette of my remaining sleeve. Plus, since I’m in need of another set of 4mm circulars for this project, I had to bust out my gorgeous KnitPicks Caspians. They are not to dissimilar to my Knitpro Symfonies (unsurprisingly, considering the relationship of the companies), but I couldn’t really use the blue with the blue wool of the cardigan, so I guess that there was also the excuse to use my newer pretties, hee hee.

It also amuses me that, as far as I can tell, I’m not a ‘typical’ knitter. I seriously avoid having more than two projects on the go at a time. Why? Because well, needles are expensive, and where my best friend Melly is a wool snob (admirably so!), I’m a needle snob. These particular wooden needles are what my hands like to use, and they do not come cheap. Oh sure, I could try to find patterns that don’t use 4mm needles… but everything that I want to do right now is on 4mms. But also, with limited space, that also discourages me from having lots of things on the go that could get lost or broken or whatever (and of course, with my obsession with keeping notes!).

So there’s that. There’s also a budding Instagram addiction. You might’ve spotted the little icon up on the top bar, or you can click here to see what I’m up to. I’ve always liked taking pictures and being snarky, so I finally gave into the inevitable. It’s a good mix of things because I’m pretty candid about my life, so visitor beware? *laughs* There’s nothing bad on there. I think.

Back to a bit of knitting before bed!


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